You can sort the records in the LeadGrabber Pro grid.
In addition, LeadGrabber Pro also helps you to custom sort the records based
on the columns and their corresponding values in the grid.
- Click on the drop-down arrow next to Sort button on
the LeadGrabber Pro grid and click Custom Sort.
This option helps you to sort the records based on multiple
columns and different sort orders. When you select this option, Sort dialog box
is displayed.
Click on the drop-down arrows under Sort By, Sort On and
Order fields and select the desired options.
The Sort By drop-down list displays all the column header names available in the grid.
- Click Add button to add a new column to sort records.
- Click Delete button to remove a column from sorting.
- Click OK to custom sort the records in the grid.
The records in the grid are sorted based on the given sort criteria.