LeadGrabber Pro enables you to import contacts from
To import contacts from Salesforce.com,
- Click File > Import
- Click
on the
LeadGrabber Pro grid toolbar.
An Import Records window is displayed.
In the Import Records window, select Salesforce.com and
click Next.
The Salesforce.com Login window is displayed.
Under Salesforce CRM Login,
- User Name: Enter your Salesforce.com user name
- Password: Enter your Salesforce.com password
- Click Login.
Remember Password - Select this option to remember your
password whenever you try to login to Salesforce.com.
Status - Displays your login status.
- Before login, the status is displayed as Please login before
- During login, the status is displayed as Logging... The
login may take some time, please wait.
- After login, the status is displayed as Logged in
- On successful login, click Next.
LeadGrabber Pro enables you to import the following
Salesforce.com records:
- Leads
- Accounts
- Contacts
- Reports
Select the desired option and click Next.
Now, you need to map the source fields to the grid fields.
- Click Load Map to import the already saved map file. A Load
Map file window is displayed. Select the map file and click Open to import the
map file.
- Click Save Map to save the current mapping as a map file. A Save Map file window is displayed. Enter a name and click Save to save the map
file. This option enables you to reuse the map file in the future. Once you
save the map file, you can reuse it using Load Map option.
- Click Auto Map to automatically map the source fields to the
grid fields
- Click Clear Map to clear the mapping
Click Next.
The Import Records window displays a list of contact fields.
You can choose to import all the records or only records
that do not contain the selected contact fields.
In the Import Records window, under Import records for
missing information, select the fields to import records from Salesforce.c
| To Import
E-Mail | Only records that do
not contain E-Mail address
Phone | Only records that do
not contain Phone number |
Address | Only records that do
not contain Address |
Title | Only records that do
not contain Job Title |
Web Profile | Only records that do
not contain web profiles |
Full Name | Only records that do
not contain Full Name |
All Records | All the records that
are available in Salesforce.com |
Click Finish.
The records are instantly imported to the LeadGrabber Pro
The Salesforce.com logo (
) is displayed against the records
that are imported from Salesforce.com.

Note: Duplicate check
will not be performed when you import records from Salesforce.com, process them
and again transfer the updated information back to Salesforce.com. For example,
if you import a record from Salesforce.com into LeadGrabber Pro grid, change
the email IDs and when you transfer back the record to Salesforce.com, only the
existing record gets updated. The duplicate check criteria is ignored.