When you grab records on a daily basis, you will not be able to remember the links from which you grabbed the contacts. LeadGrabber Pro does that for you. You can view the history of all the grabs that you have made. To view grab history, Click View ...
On the LeadGrabber Pro toolbar, click the Show Build Queue drop-down arrow and select Edit Do-Not-Grab List. It displays the EDIT - Do Not Grab List window. You can view and edit the list of profiles, companies and titles that are ...
This article will show you how to append email using LeadGrabber Pro with just contact name and company website. Step 1: Importing your (.xlsx or .csv) files to LeadGrabber Pro. Follow the process below. I. Click on 'Import' option. II. Once you ...
This article will serve as a guide to help you continue grabbing information from LinkedIn profiles. When you reach your daily limit of 500 profiles per day, you can continue to grab the remaining profiles in the next following days. LinkedIn has 25 ...
This article will demonstrate how to simplify your process of grabbing a large volume of data using a function called "Auto-Split Search". LinkedIn has restrictions on the number of people profiles you can open in a day. LeadGrabber Pro stays in the ...