LeadGrabber Pro enables you to append the postal address of
the selected companies based on the company name, company web URL or company
web home page.
This option enables you to find the city, state, zip, country,
address, time zone and region.
To append the missing postal address of your contacts,
- Switch to Screen View

Note: You can append
the missing postal address of your leads in Screen View only. If you try to
append postal address in Find View, a pop-up message is displayed stating that
the software will be switched to Screen View to continue processing.
- Select the records in the grid, click the drop-down arrow
near the Append Contact Info button on the grid toolbar and select Append
Postal Address option.
LeadGrabber Pro instantly searches the Internet and displays the postal address of the companies in the grid and in the Contact View tab in the Preview Pane.
If the company address already exists in the contact grid,
the appended address replaces the existing address and the replaced address is
added to the
Comments tab.
You can also append the missing postal address of the leads
by using the menu bar.
- Click Tools > Append Contact Info > Append Postal Address on the
menu bar OR press Ctrl+Q on the keyboard to append the missing postal