Does your tool find the Direct number? If so, for how many contacts?

Does your tool find the Direct number? If so, for how many contacts?

LeadGrabber first attempts to find the direct phone number on the public Internet. If that's not available, then it gets the corporate phone numbers.

If the phone number is available on the publicly searchable internet, LeadGrabber Pro has a 95% chance of picking it up. LeadGrabber only picks up the phone number if it can reasonably verify the number belongs to the contact.

LeadGrabber has the ability to append up 35,000 contacts per year, which translates to 400 emails and phone numbers per day.

If needed more you need more than this, you can top-up your append credits and get 3,000 more credits, for $495. Use anytime in the lifetime of your subscription. Call us on +1-866-299-7314, or email and we’ll help you get this.

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