Can I use eGrabber tool to send out cold email?

Can I use eGrabber tool to send out cold email?

No, currently we do not have options/tools to send out cold emails.  

There are dedicated "cold email tools" which are available on Google. Check out any of the platforms listed in this search page. LeadGrabber's CSV / Excel output can be imported into any one of these platforms.

Here are some platforms we have taken a look at. We have used some of them in the past.
  3. Klenty
There are plenty of platforms for this, each with their own features. Do a quick research and you would be able to find the one that suits you.

Footnote: Do NOT opt for the following platforms, because these are NOT cold email platforms. In fact, these below platforms DO NOT want you to send cold email through them. These below platforms are well known, but you need to have opt in emails for using with them.
  1. HubSpot
  2. MailChimp
  3. ConstantContact
  4. Vertical Response
If you use any of these platforms for cold emailing, your account in them may be suspended, because they are not setup for cold email. You should look for "Cold email tools" which are optimized and designed for sending out cold email.